Thursday, July 3, 2008

36 Weeks

Here's a picture of the bump at 36 weeks. My, how he's growing!


linda said...

oh my!!! I can't believe it! Meredith told me about your blog and I am so happy to see the pics and read about the journey. I can relate to being pregnant and living away from family. Chuck made me stand the same way for the pics but I had to hold a sign with the week # on it! We will be in
Texas in a couple of weeks and I hope we can see you.


Sarah, Blake, Evan, Julia said...

Are you sure that's not a basketball? An inflatable one that keeps expanding? Are you thinking yet - how can he possibly have anymore room to grow and get bigger?

Mallory's Adventure said...

Ten days to go today! How are you feeling? I'm so excited and praying for all three of you!