Wednesday, February 4, 2009

6 Months

Today we celebrate Hudson's 6-month birthday! It's amazing how quickly he's growing and changing. He's eating oatmeal, squash, prunes, and sweet potatoes. He's rolling from his tummy to his back and from side to side. He can sit up on his own for a few minutes at a time and is getting stronger every day. He talks all the time! His newest sound is "da da da da". Of course, Byron is trying to get him to say "daddy". Perhaps his favorite thing to do is squeal. He especially loves to squeal in the bathroom during bath time. He squeals while he lies naked on the bathroom floor getting ready for his bath. He squeals while he splashes furiously in the bath tub. And he squeals while he gets his pj's on after his bath. Byron and I need earplugs for bath time! He went to the doctor today for his well-baby check-up and shots. He's doing really well developmentally. And for the stats I'm sure you're all desperately awaiting....16 lbs 12 oz (40%) and 27.5 inches (85%). And the blue eyes...although the doctor said they can still change up until 1 year of age, he thinks Hudson's are here to stay. Time will tell!

What a cutie!


Sticking out his tongue - another new favorite thing to do.

Asleep on our bed in the morning while I get ready for work. He had been awake for a little while talking (and squealing, of course). All of a sudden it got quiet. I peered out from our bathroom and saw him sound asleep on the bed.


Brandon and Bess said...

He's sooooo adorable!!!! We love keeping up with all that he's learning and all the pictures :) Love and miss you 3!
~Bess & Brandon

Lauren Eastburn said...

Your videos paid tribute to that precious squeal. :) Happy 6 month birthday, Hudson! Glad things are going well...we miss you!!!